
Monday, December 3, 2007

Take Aways for Session 3

From Session 3,

I've learned about......

1. What makes a Learning environment - students' needs, students' perception of environment,
school culture, school climate,human behaviour etc.
2. Key points to consider when talking about LE
2. Factors to consider when assessing the LE
3. Some of the psychologists who are related to the topic of Learning Environment

eg. Fraser, Murray,Lewin, Moos, Leary and Walberg and so on

4. The psychologists' work or contributions pertaining to LE.
5. Different learning environmentor rather different Learning Style(thru videos)
- Teacher Centered(didactic), Student Centered, Case Study and Socratic style.
6. Using the Website called Copernic to get info on the psychologists.
7. 2 different methods to assess the LE- Alpha press(external sources) and Beta press(internal
sources eg.students in the school)


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