
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reflection_Session 4

I have learned ...

1.that Quantitative and Qualitative studies has been conducted in S'pore schools

2.School Level Envirionment Questionaire

- all the questions in the Questionaire testing one dimension - to avoid fatigue

-5 point likert scale should be avoided - to avoid pple from giving nuetral answers

-try to put the SA guestions in the top of the questinaire

-when crafting the questinaire, we should take certain things into consideration

eg. students language proficiency, their concentration span

3.the 9 dimensions can be classified into Moos Schema

- Relationship, Personal Developement and System Change & Maintenance

4.Case study of a school - identifying the positive and negative findings of LE

- recommendations

5.How to design powerpoint slides in Google in order to share with the classmates.


At December 4, 2007 at 4:19 PM , Blogger savi said...

well done, i can see that you have paid attention in class (which is very rare). good prospects for doing PHD


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